Wednesday 21 October 2009

Rainy days....

Boy is it raining here today! and as they do say in these here parts "It never rains but it pours" yes indeedy,My oven is on its last legs,the back garden fence is coming down,the bath needs re enamelled and the dogs need their hair cut.I am starting to shift into panic mode because it is only 9 weeks!!! until Christmas and I have not even attempted to start my Christmas shopping (have you? do tell! even if it will make me feel worse) I think I may have one of those seasonal disorders,you know S.A.D,because on dull days like today I sort of feel a little crazy!

Please let there be sunshine tomorrow!


  1. No, no, no, no.... please don't say it's only nine weeks! I've been stumbling about in happy oblivion, even kinda reveling in my own version of s.a.d and now I too feel demented and it's your fault Lady!!

    Nine weeks and not a child in the house washed as my Dad likes to say...

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