Monday 30 November 2009

Housebound.....and loving it!

I am at present,shall we say 'indisposed' albeit temporarily,due to the fact that just over a week ago I underwent a little 'surgery' I was told by my consultant that the down time after the procedure would be two weeks,so here i am confined to barracks and now that the worst is over I am actually enjoying it!( mind you this time last week had you offered me a gun I would have shot myself) But there is something very liberating about being stuck indoors,I have not been taking Lucy to school,her lovely big sister has been doing the honours,I have been unable to work and my brain has sort of slowed down! i could get used to this,I putter around the house all morning,I make lists of what needs to be done,I make tea in a teapot,as opposed to a quick teabag in a cup jobbie,I am catching up on my reading,watching 'The darling buds of may' every afternoon on tv and tomorrow I have 'Brideshead revisited' lined up on dvd! You know life has been so hectic for me this year that I sort of fell out of love with my home for a while,I just had so many other things going on that I forgot how much joy I derive from being in this humble little abode,but this past week when I have been forced into doing nothing much,I have rekindled the romance,I have cleaned and polished,vaccumed and waxed,lit candles and scented the rooms with cinnamon and orange oils,all done,I hasten to add,at a most leisurely pace.Back to work on Thursday i am afraid,once again I need to venture out into the real world and make a living,but Oh how much I shall look forward to coming home!


  1. I hope that you are fully recovered soon even though you seem to be enjoying your downtime! I have been watching TDBOM every day too; it is ones of my favourite series and I just love it! x

  2. Hi Gena,
    Hope you are least you are enjoying your time at home...
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...last time I came to visit, I thought you had disappeared and were no longer blogging, as my link led me to a blank page (sad, as I think I've had you on my blog links since day one...some 3 1/2 years now!!) glad to find you again over here on 'Blogger' now.
    Take care of yourself,
    Niki x

  3. Isn't being housebound a pleasure sometimes when you know there's nothing you can do but potter at home.

    Obviously I would rather this was without the surgery you've had to endure and I wish you better very soon

    Victoria xx

  4. Oooh goodness me I was wondering where you where! Now then you make the most of this time, you will probably look back and think of it as a teeny bit magical in the future: when will you ever get the chance to hibernate in December again? It is after all prime house falling in love time!

    Enjoy and may all the yukky pin be gone for good.
    Love you, Alison.x

  5. The yukky pin?? That would be the yukky pain then. You know what I'm like!

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