Wednesday 11 November 2009

Keeping busy....

Do you ever have one of those days,or one of those weeks in my case,where there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day? sure you do! but today,I did what works best for me,I made a list which included watching ' The Holiday' (above) Lovely! whilst wrapping some orders from my website,I also tackled a little project,see below;

Tell me honestly,can you tell it is made from a childs Marks and spencers school dress?(99p from a charity shop,bargain!)I also managed to flick a duster around,do some laundry and get some shopping for my Mother.
Superwoman or what?


  1. Oh you really are! And nope, not in a million years would I have guessed that was a little summer uniform you clever woman you! I swear there isn't an ounce of creativity in my whole body and I am regularly astonished by those who manage to throw a pretty, puttery lampshade together AND throw a duster around. It takes all my energy to get out of bed! Hugs Honey Pie!xx

  2. The Holiday is one of my favourite films, I haven't watched it in a while, i think I'll add that to my to do list for this weekend

    Victoria xx

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