Monday 22 March 2010

My latest love..........

Ah me! Is there really anything better than hearing the soft thud of a cardboard package from Amazon landing on your doormat of a morning? Methinks not.

I am totally besotted with my new purchase,it is called 'Eat me;The stupendous,self raising world of cupcakes and bakes according to cookie girl' to be honest it was worth buying for the pictures alone,cookie girl is clearly a genius,but a genius with a pink fluffy soul! this book is so girly! and so me! with recipes for all kinds of lovely frothy cakes and bakes for each season,such as white christmas cupcakes for winter(obviously) lemon finger cookies for spring,margarita cupcakes!(hurrah!) for parties,I fear I may never stop baking for the rest of my days!
It is my day off tomorrow, Cookie girl and I will be in the kitchen...........cant wait.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this book in Waterstones last week and am planning to buy it from Amazon once I get paid...I have spent too much this month already! I loved the pictures but also the recipes as they were the kind of recipes you would actually cook, not just think about cooking because they were complicated...I am looking forward to it! x
