Friday 23 April 2010


Well waddya know!!!

Lovely Elaine from Ted and Bunny has bestowed upon me this glorious tag! apparently the deal is,that I list seven things that you do not already know about me! Ooooh! thats a tough one! I have bared my soul blogging for some years now,first on typepad and now here at my new home on blogger,what else is there to know? hmmm,lets think.............

1) I look forward to getting dressed every single day! I have to look the best I possibly can, its a self esteem thing,being well groomed keeps my spirits up.Bizzare.

2) I have a very strong belief in the afterlife although I am not terribly religious.

3)I adore spinach.Mmmmm.....

4)If I had to have a song as my personal anthem it would be 'Unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield.

5)I suffer from bouts of unbridled sadness (hormonal me thinks) but I do bounce back.

6)My all time favourite Actress is Vivien Leigh.

7)I have two tattoos!

There you go! seven useless and not that interesting pieces of information about me!

Thank you Elaine!


  1. we know all, including the spinach!

  2. Booooo

    Ooouch 2 tattoo's
    Debbie xxxxxx

  3. Hi Gena
    Quite agree with number one, I too always like to look my best, and never go anywhere without make-up!! I also have one tatoo, done on my 30th birthday and have never plucked up the courage to have another.
    Jo xxxxxx
