Sunday 6 June 2010


Because there is simply no such thing as a lie in at Chez King,I am sat here blogging at what does seem like an unearthly hour.My head feels a little fuzzy,still lingering are the effects of a two day migraine which happily seems to be on its way.Soon I will go into the silly pink kitchen and make strong coffee,I am in a Sinatra mood this morning,crooners were made for Sunday mornings and late nights.The sun is not shining yet,the day seems slightly cooler,I may bake lemon drizzle cake later on and perhaps some cheese scones,I need to go to my allotment and plant sprouting broccolli,I am filing unwanted thoughts of paperwork to the back of my mind,already a 'to do' list is forming in my thoughts.I dont want 'to do' I want to read.The Sunday times,later perhaps a thrilling novel,there are so many on my list.I want to shower and smell of lemons,sit in the garden and listen to the constant chatter of my girls.It is Sunday......


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Gena
    What an idyllic sounding Sunday - hope you enjoyed the day.
    Jo xx

  3. Hope you have a wonderful one Gena :)

