Saturday 7 August 2010

Wish list............

It is a dull rainy day today,I do hope we see some more sunshine in August.The day did not start well,I awoke with a headache and a grumpy disposition,shouldn't have had that last glass of wine last night.Went out to the car thinking a little jaunt to Sainsburys would cheer me up,only to discover I had a flat tyre,waited an hour for the breakdown service to come and change it and then tootled off to the aforementioned supermarket and bought lots of unnecessary items,returned home only to be plunged into a power cut for another hour,however Hubby had very decently tidied up whilst I was out so its not all bad.We all sat around like helpless fools whilst the electricity was off,the children completely dumbfounded without the television or computers,Thank God it was only off an hour otherwise I suspect they would have slipped into boredom induced comas.Myself,I relished the peace and quiet and to amuse myself,I made a mental wish goes;

1. I wish (obviously) this headache would go away.

2.I wish my life was easier/less complicated/without drama(or are these all the same?)

3.I wish most of my shoes didn't hurt my feet.

4.I wish I was fabulously wealthy/beautiful/thin.Yes I am very shallow.

5.I wish that Saturday night TV was better.

6.I wish I had a warm chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream .

7.I wish Hello magazine would put some decent celebs in instead of Z Lister's like Katie Price and Kerry Katona.

8.I wish I had a real Birkin bag.

9.I wish it was a hot sunny day.

10.I wish I could have stayed in bed all day.

Had enough yet? yes me too all this wishing has left me weak and craving chocolate......wish I didn't like chocolate.


  1. Pit-i-ful!!! LOL
    Cheer up! This too shall pass!

  2. Cheer up Gena, life can't be all bad. Mind you, I do know how you feel, I too have my 'black dog' days when I wish I was someone else and not me! It does pass though.
    Jo xx
