Tuesday 24 January 2012

On January.....

Oh January.
Month of new beginnings,allegedly.

The feverish pace of Christmas behind us,not even a sliver of tinsel remaining to remind me of the festive season,all packed away for another year.Dark mornings,candles in the kitchen and coffee.Lots of coffee.
I started well,made a list of things to do,started the big declutter,eating healthily,going for long walks to blow the cobwebs away,but Oh My life,I feel so weary.Flat.Life is very quiet,almost silent.I am not complaining,merely observing.I need to motivate myself.

Or do I?

This week Lucy is off school poorly,so I have been confined to Barracks,I have been working,but not as much as I should have,instead I have slept a little later than usual,snuggled with my child and watched TV,today it rained,I baked scones and we had afternoon tea and watched Blithe spirit,I played around on pinterest,looked through the seed catalogues and planned my summer garden.I cant wait.

Maybe my new beginnings can wait a little longer.


  1. all I can say is jolly good for you! (and I mean it!)

  2. Oooo dearest Gena my new beginnings have started 3 times already this year and one of those was yesterday and already today i am lapsing he he :-) for once again i find myself with a lovely cup of tea,laptop on my knee lost in the www land that i love so much i am trying to stay away but......,Blogs ,Pintrest (oh boy this place is deadly once i enter i never want to leave.And how could i not stop by and say Hello x
    Hope lucy is well again ,im sure the snuggles ,tv,and baking helped .Have fun on your allotment Gena

    Debbie xxxxx
