Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

It is rather unusually here in the bleak North,a glorious mild,sunny Autumn day,I am hoping the temperature remains kindly for tonight,when as usual we shall participate in a spot of 'trick or treating' I remember last Halloween being absolutely frozen to the bone! so fingers crossed.
Whatever you have planned for this eve of all Hallows,I hope it involves eating delicious nibbles,a glass of something cheering and lots of fun!

Be very afraid!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, it's a little late in the day to say it, but say it I will, Happy Halloween!

    We only had one little set of Trick and Treaters all night, if it weren't for the threat of eggs, I'd have been disappointed!

  3. I tried to get to your blog the other day and couldn't--thought it might have been taken down! I'm so glad it wasn't, lol!

    Our trick-or-treating was chaotic this year--never seen more children in one neighborhood! There were LINES, yes, lines! at the houses for candy. Houses ran out of candy & it got a little rabid~my 3-yr old was nearly trampled by a crazed mom with child. :( We went home after that...

    I don't know what to think of it...
