Tuesday 27 October 2009

Retail therapy!

I love shopping! who doesnt? but often I find myself hankering after some ridiculous frivolity,that I neither need nor can afford,but isnt it just super when you stumble across something that just screams "buy me! buy me!" and you can! well here are my latest "gotta have it" buys, it started with the union jack door mat....

Followed by the cutest polka dot reindeer...I know...a tad early,but had I not bought it I would have lost sleep!

Finally....and indulge my eccentricity here, Jesus plasters! could I NOT have bought these!

Ok, tomorrow I will buy regular stuff,toilet rolls,milk,coffee etc...maybe a few tins of barbie shaped spaggetti !......No,there is no hope for me!


  1. Hello my darling virtual twin: I have those very Jesus plasters! They make me giggle so much... but now I feel I won't sleep till I too have a polka dot reindeer....where for art thou little reindeer... do tell!

  2. ha ha! knew you would like him Alison! he is from Borders the book store,if you cant get him at your Borders let me know and I will get you one xx

  3. I love the polka dog reindeer! And, I love early-Christmas-decorating!
