Sunday 19 September 2010

Tales from a suburban housewife part one.

Well Autumn has clearly arrived and my brief romance with summertime has come to an abrupt end,the flimsy dresses packed away in my rather fetching leopard print suitcase under the bed,along with all the plans that I never actually carried out,such is life. Lucy has started high school and hates it.More stress.I continue to juggle my lot with the dexterity of a Billy Smarts clown,the days are racing by,cooler days,we have had a freakishly mish mash of weather here,one minute terrential rainfall,next sunshine,often followed by the most magical of rainbows,which is a rather apt analogy of life at the moment,nature continues to astound me and confound me in equal measures. Life seems to be teaching me some big lessons these days,I travel this road one step at a time and am strangely excited for the future.
I have had some truly heart warming experiences of late, I rediscovered an old schoolfriend on facebook( I simply love facebook for this kind of thing) and then perhaps only a week later bumped into the same friend in a supermarket! how amazing,serendipity,I love it.
I can almost feel a shift in my mood as the seasons change,spring and summertime are my favourites,all that new life in the garden coupled with sunshine and lighter evenings,I confess makes me completely giddy,but as Autumn sneaks in through the back gate,I become qiueter,my nesting instincts kick in and making life as comfy and cosy as possible becomes my religion.When the rain is pouring down outside,how utterly blissful it is to be alone in the candle lit kitchen which becomes my haven,cooking,baking,listening to Ella Fitzgerald and dreaming........

Are you embracing Autumn as much as I am?


  1. I seem to be busy to embrace anything at the moment...but oh how I loved this post Gena. Keep on keeping on Sweetheart...x

  2. I totally agree with your post and i find myself storing homemade chutneys and jams, filling the freezer with excess fruit and veg from the garden and generally getting ready for 20 ft of snow from now until may next year, if i was in alaska i could understand this but sunny Devon?? Great Blog keep up the good work.

  3. Autumn has arrived here at Sorth Cottage too , its always a giveaway when the logs are loaded into the basket and it lives next to the fire now until spring………and i have been baking too i watched The Great British Bake Off on BBC 2 and loved it the runner up has a blog called The Pink Whisk and all her scrummy recipes are there, the lemon curd is Mmmmmmm.
    Hope Lucy settles at big school its such a leap x
    Hugs n remember to dream
    Debbie xxxx

  4. I totally agree with you Gena, I also find myself nesting and getting ready for the long winter ahead. I always dread the cold and the wet but somehow we seem to cope and just adjust our lifestyles. My summer vintage quilts are now being replaced with ones in deeper warmer colours, and I actually look forward to cosy evenings in, and the wood burner crackling away.
    Jo xx
