Sunday 3 October 2010

Kitchen love...........

It is Sunday morning and it is raining cats and dogs.Nothing new there,this seems to becoming a rather wet Autumn here! However,although when I am out traveling at work,I curse the heavens for opening their arms on such days,the days when I am at home become rather blissful for me.I love nothing more than being ensconced in my rather silly kitchen(yes those are poodles on the blinds) and putting on a pinny(pinny love theres another whole post) lighting enough candles to torch the place to the ground,listening to radio four and cooking. I have a rather weird relationship with food,I eat sporadically,often forgetting to eat myself,but always longing to cook.I do however crave good food I love traditional cooking,my Mother has been my best teacher,but I also love to try new exciting recipes coaxed out of friends or read in a magazine.
So today..........fairy lights on,candles lit.....fresh coffee and the Sunday times or a good book this morning....

Then this afternoon,perhaps a spot of baking,what do you think? is it going to be a good day?


  1. love it all, LOVE LOVE the poodles, love the cake...we could seamlessly swap kitchens you know, mine is about the same as yours!
    I love a quirky kitchen, I could never EVER have something seamlessly fitted from Magnets!
    Have a wonderful week and stay dry

  2. This sounds like a blissful way to spend a Sunday, love your kitchen, especially your poodle blinds.
    Ann x
