I find it absolutely hard to believe,but tomorrow is my babys 21st Birthday,who knew it would go by this fast? 21 years ago today I was weary,heavy with child and afraid,and rightly so,the pain of childbirth now pales into insignificance compared with the many life hurdles I have encountered with my children,none of the many baby books I read all those years ago prepared me for the all consuming love I feel for my babies,or the worry,the joy,the FUN!! that parenthood brings! Katie is an amazing young woman,we could not be more proud of her,she has been and remains an absolute joy,I love her more than words can ever say and despite the high heels and short skirts,I still see the tiny peach coloured bundle with a flash of black hair that was handed to me in the maternity hospital 21 years ago,I knew then that my life had changed in a heartbeat and I still thank God for that every single day.
Happy Birthday Katie Scarlett.xxxxxxxxxxx