Sunday 11 September 2011

On book addiction and Internet love.......

Hello everyone! how the devil are you? what splendid pursuits have you enjoyed this past summer? Me? well nothing truly amazing to report,I longed for a lovely hot summer to be spent wandering on the beach,catching up with friends,quaffing martinis in the garden by candlelight. Didn't happen,weather was appalling.
Tis the early days of autumn and yet again I have succumbed to my usual addiction....buying books on Amazon.I have a huge pile of books waiting to be read and four more on the way,there are frankly,not enough hours in the day to read the aforementioned stash,I start one book,catch sight of another start reading that one,you know how it is,I seriously need to discipline myself.
Aside from the book buying problem,life is good,as you all know I organised and held a Vintage fair in July,Get Me! I felt like a headmistress with fashion sense! it was so lovely,not just the event,but the whole journey leading to the fair,I met so many fabulous people,largely down to my big love...The internet.I make no apology for my total adoration for the online community and its social networks,facebook and twitter have brought me into contact with some pretty wonderful people and it was absolutely amazing that so many of you came to my fair,my heart was truly fit to burst!
I sort of feel that changes are afoot and I am kind of excited but scared! Another fair planned for November,local friends please come and see me! If you dont like the fair I can always lend you a good book!


  1. I had no money at your July fair but really enjoyed window shopping. Am looking forward to the November date!

  2. I look forward to seeing you there! its sunday 27th November at the Royal station Hotel again,but I will be blogging about it before then!

  3. Boo...........Just wanted to say hello and apologise for being such a bad internet friend,it seems ages since i popped over or emailed,where does the time go? Would love to hear what books you have succumbed to and all about exciting changes,don't be scared hun "Dream big and follow your heart"
    Sending Love and Hugs
    Debbie xx
