Sunday 30 October 2011

The cocktail hour.

Being a lover of all things Vintage,it should come as no surprise that I possess a much loved Cocktail cabinet.Oh how I recall the excitement(well on my part) the day the above little beauty found its way to Chez King.Finally a home had arrived for my beloved glass collection and the kitsch bar items I had hoarded for so long.1930s cocktail umbrellas,1950s Ladies,snowball glasses (urgghh! who remembers Warninks Advocaat snowballs?) Edwardian crystal champagne saucers,so beautiful and fittingly twinkly for the most glamorous of beveridges.I am,believe it or not,not a great drinker,A glass of chilled white wine or two is about as exciting as it gets,but like everything I eat or drink,presentation plays a big part.What is the use of owning a house full of vintage loveliness if it is just to sit there? I say if you love it,use it,we have pretty vintage quilts on our beds,mismatched china in the kitchen and the walls are adorned with Edwardian prints.Ah tis the vintage life for me! But back to the cocktail cabinet,God I dont half waffle on! It dates to around 1910,I know this because the original receipt from Waring and Gillows was wedged in the back,the mirrored panel in the centre rotates to reveal a bottle storage area! this alone thrilled me more than I can say! there are glass shelved areas to either side and the top section lights up.Think of the Larkins in the Darling buds of May,with their strange and exotic drinks made from Pops fabulous light up bar!

Time to resurrect The cocktail hour methinks? what do you say? 

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