Wednesday 23 March 2011

Elizabeth Love.........

Oh saddest of days! the glorious creature that was Dame Elizabeth Taylor has left us to go to that great movie set in the sky.

I have always loved Elizabeth, from being a young girl I was inspired and totally in awe of her beauty,but as I got older and my fascination continued,I became aware that behind the often hedonistic lifestyle,the boats,the planes,the diamonds,Elizabeth was just a woman, a woman who like most of us craved love and affection and a happy ever after.
Elizabeth Taylor will be remembered for her beauty,her men,her work in the movies and for her tireless charity work,but you know what I loved best about her? She lived her life in glorious technicolour,she loved she lost,she got right back up and lived and laughed and loved with seemingly reckless abandon.
They just dont make them like that any they?

Sunday 20 March 2011

On Sundays,Sinatra and sleep(or lack of)

So here we are again Sunday morning,copious amounts of coffee and Sinatra singing 'Witchcraft' and me looking like hell in a housecoat due to lack of sleep.Soon I will shower and dress and paint on a smile and tie on a pinny and prepare myself for another ride on the strange rollercoaster that is my life at the moment.
It has been a topsy turvy week this past week,Like everyone in this world I have been absolutely horrified by the devastating events in Japan and the unrest in Libya has me troubled beyond belief,I am afraid I am like an emotional sponge and I seem to absorb all this negativity so that it becomes a lead weight to be carried around with me.
I know,lighten up Gena,count your blessings ( I do! I swear) but its real hard to watch such suffering.
Ok! enough of that,what else has been happening? after a disappointing start to the week (wont bore you with that one) the weather finally picked up and Lo! sunshine! hurrah! what a difference it makes,my garden is slowly coming to life and I am so looking forward to sunny days and lighter nights. I am signed up for a few vintage clothing fairs in the near future(sadly few and far between here in the North) and yesterday purchased another beautiful Vintage wedding dress.It was Lucys Birthday on Friday,my baby is twelve already! how did that happen? I feel as though life speeds up as you get older.
It is a full moon this weekend,in virgo actually,perhaps this is why I have felt slightly crazy all week? full moons signify powerful emotions and changes and I do believe that some things really do need to change,so bring it on Universe.I am ready.
My weird and totally unpredictable sleep patterns remain a mystery,I am reluctant to see a Doctor for fear of a) being diagnosed as mad/paranoid/depressed.I am not. or b) being offered sleeping medication which I fear is a slippery slope and I dont want it. I have tried almost everything,my Mother says as you get older you dont need as much sleep,cant believe that I am wrecked half the time!
Anyway! onwards and upwards! I am looking forward to next week, waking the dead on BBC1 tonight and tomorrow,I have the new Kate Atkinson book from the library(cant put it down already) and I have an interesting recipe for cheese and marmite scones to try out!

Its the little things isnt it?

Sunday 13 March 2011

Vintage Love .....

I am a fickle girl at times I am the first to admit.Part of me hates clutter and yet I make a living out of selling all manner of vintage paraphanalia! I love nothing more than coming across a terrific vintage find,I love laundering vintage clothing and linens and become almost dizzy with joy to see them flapping about on my washing line.Handbags are a particular delight to me,often I will find an old shopping list,a cinema ticket or even a letter or an invatation to a wedding,the flotsam and jetsom of another womans life,not that different from my own.
Vintage weddings are currently in vogue,it seems many of us are hankering after a more subtle and meaningful Wedding day,not just the clothing but everything from the table linens to mis-matched vintage china.How absolutely lovely.It was with this in mind that towards the end of last year I launched a vintage China and linen hire service.
Will I ever tire of this love affair with all things from a time gone by? I really dont think so,do you?